Our Programs – Donate Now

Agewell Family Membership (For old people who live alone)
Agewell registers old people who live alone and welcomes them into its fold of warmth and caring. Having tied up with leading doctors, hospital services, security agencies, trained counsellors, legal and financial wizards, personnel managers, and trained attendants, Agewell offers exclusive services at a nominal price. For the members, a trained counselor pays routine visits every week. Round the clock he is only a phone call away and may be called upon at any time to act as an escort, do their running around or simply cheer them up.

The foundation has a team of trained counselors who work as companions and look after the requirements of these Older Persons.

  • Over 200 older persons have already been registered as Agewell Family Members under this drive so far.

Download Agewell Family Membership Scheme Details & Form

Agewell-Aadhar (Nationwide Voluntary Action Network for Older Persons)

Aadhar is a unique district-level network of volunteers responsible for looking after the grievances of Older Persons and assist them in finding solutions. Presently it’s a Two-tier network of 7500 volunteers and 80000 dedicated sub-volunteers spread across 640 districts of the country, who are successfully working voluntarily for the welfare of older persons.

  • So far over 5 million Older Persons have already been extended a helping hand through this program.

School Children Sensitization Programme

Due to fast paced lifestyle, popularity of nuclear families and many other factors old people are having a rough time today. Agewell believes that children could make the difference. If children are prompted to share a smile with the elders and spend a few moments together, the tide may start to turn. Agewell Foundation has embarked upon an ambitious social contact programme of reaching out to million-school students in Delhi in a bid to set off a feeling of acceptance and affection for the elders.

  • Agewell Foundation has interacted with 100000 school children so far.

DHAROHAR (Keep Your WILL in Safe Custody)
Every one must write his/her Will so that his/her dependants, relatives, friends or any other close could avail legacy (inheritance benefits).

This is advisable by the law. This is also the law of nature. Inheritance when distributed by the owner to inheritor, not only gives immense satisfaction to the lawful owner it also leads to a harmonious and peaceful life for the inheritors.

At Agewell Helpline we are constantly asked to keep their Will in safe custody. So far we have only advised old people to write their will, but now Agewell has started an innovative scheme to extend a helping hand to old people in the name of Dharohar – Keep Your WILL in Safe Custody”.

To help older persons to live in a peaceful & harmonious environment in Old Age, the Foundation has launched a new scheme, “Dharohar”, for safe-keeping of will documents for Older Persons.

  • Over1500 older persons approached Agewell Foundation to know more about the project and avail the service.

Download Dharohar Will format

Agewell Interaction Centre for Older Persons
  • Centre to provide an opportunity for the older people to interact with like-minded people in old age. The Agewell centre will also address the issue of ageing from the perspective of creating an atmosphere of sustainable and tenable process of inclusion involving society at large to provide care and active ageing beyond an institutional framework.
  • The proposed centre would be a platform that will initiate a better understanding of the problems of ageing from a social perspective and provide a platform for the aged as well as those concerned to come together to share and care.
  • Helpline for older persons, Day care- centre, library, entertainment and cultural activities will be part of Agewell Inteaction Centre.

SAHYOG (Old Age Psychological Trauma Center)
  • Equipped with qualified psychiatrist, doctors, counselors and trained attendants/assistants.
  • They would not only assist the older persons in getting over their trauma, they would also refer them to the concerned specialists if need be.
  • The trauma centre would receive individuals directly as well as through referrals from other doctors and hospitals etc.

Destination Pilgrimage for Older Persons
  • A Project to promote pilgrimage tourism amongst older persons across the country.
  • To pre-identify the older persons wanting to go on pilgrimage and provide them necessary guidance / assistance through a booklet containing different details, useful for them.
  • The implementation of the above programme through the nationwide network of Agewell Volunteers, who are sensitized and have the requisite experience on initiatives for improving the quality of life of older persons.
  • To sensitize the service providers towards the specific needs of older persons. They may be already aware of the likes and dislikes of the older persons, only to a certain extent. But the facilities available at Lodges / Hotels, Dharmshalas are not older persons friendly. We have to educate and guide the service providers properly.

Self-Reliance in Old Age (A series of interactions with Older Persons and their Care-Givers)
  • It is proposed to organize a Series of Interactions with Older Persons and their Care-Givers across the state of Rajasthan to create awareness amongst older persons about the concept of Self-Reliance in Old Age for living life comfortably and respectfully and sensitize them to adopt the concept of self-reliance in their respective lives.
  • Currently we propose to organize Interactions with older persons and their care-givers at 32 district headquarters. During these interactions an Exhibition and a Symposium will also be organized at the same venue.
  • Proposed duration for such interactions would be 3 days per Exhibition-cum-Interactions, so that large number of Older Persons could avail the benefits of these interactions.

Medical Tourism for Older Persons from Abroad
  • Specialized Medical Treatment project for older persons from abroad particularly NRIs. This would include all those patients who are coming to India for specific treatment like surgeries, operations etc.
  • This would include all foreign tourists who wish to get a general health check up done at a fraction of the money spent by them in their own country. Cosmetic Requirements like Spectacles, dental requirements, etc. are available in India at a much cheaper rate.
  • Income generated from foreigners/NRIs will be utilized on medical treatment of poor and needy older persons of India.

Agewell Monitoring & Evaluation Centre
  • Innovative research studies, supervision and evaluation for routine social projects are proposed at Agewell Monitoring & Evaluation Centre.
  • Agewell Foundation proposes to undertake monitoring & evaluation activities in following sectors:
    • Family Welfare & Reproduction, Public Health, Women Empowerment, Older Persons’ Empowerment, Nutrition, Child Labour, Education & literacy, Agriculture , Employment & Self Employment, Public awareness, Integrated Rural Development, Women’s Development, Tribal Welfare, Opinion surveys, Natural disaster zones, Any other social activity.

Old Age And Disability (An Outreach Initiative)
  • With growing age several disabilities take over the human life, like – Physical Disability (Direct Impairment), Mental Disability (Memory loss etc.), physical decline in capabilities, Financial Disability, Social Disability, etc.
  • To live with disability in Old Age is difficult. The individual and the family members both suffer. It is proposed to identify and assist the disabled older persons, prepare the disabled for Old Age, protect people from Old Age related disabilities, counsel and assist the family members, train the care givers and assist in leading a life of dignity and independence.

Older Persons in Prison and Asylums (An Assessment Study)
  • A large number of older persons are lodged in Indian Prisons as under trails and convicts. However, as an older person they have certain physical and psychological requirements which need to be sharp focused on.
  • It is proposed to undertake a survey to understand their needs; older persons have, when they are in prisons. The findings could then be recommended to the government for necessary amendments in providing for the older persons.

SURAKSHA (Older Persons and Threat of HIV/AIDS)
  • A project to spread awareness for protection from HIV/AIDS amongst older persons across the country.
  • In Old Age the need to visit Doctors and Hospitals arise more often as compared to any other age group. Since the general perception for spread of AIDS is based on sexual contact with multiple partners, most of the Older Persons consider themselves to be in the NO-RISK group. However, the possibility of acquiring AIDS through infected syringe or through contaminated blood transfusion is rather high.
  • The susceptibility of an older person acquiring the AIDS virus is in any case higher as compared to people in any other age groups.

Agewell Research & Advocacy Centre

Agewell attempts to initiate more extensive and comprehensive studies on the Older Persons, so that emerging needs, problems and rights of the older persons could be identified, understood & analysed in a completely changed socio-economic scenario, drawing a road map for the empowerment of older persons. Agewell’s series of Symposiums has been designed to provide an open forum where discussions and debates are initiated addressing special & peculiar problems and difficulties being faced by our senior citizens. The symposiums also inform and apprise the senior citizens of their rights & privileges.

  • Agewell has conducted 18 research studies and organized over 36 symposiums so far.

Research & Studies

Research on issues concerning old age is an on-going activity at Agewell Foundation. Some of Agewell study reports have already been recognized by the United Nations as its background documents.

Studies conducted by Agewell Foundation so far…

  • Study of Problems being faced by Older Persons
  • Assessment of Impact of Economic Slowdown on older persons
  • Study of Role of Older persons in Democratic Process
  • Study of Status of Older Persons in Minority Communities
  • Study of Bedridden & Older Patients of Delhi & NCR
  • Study on Status of Older Persons in Nuclear Families
  • Study on Isolation in Old Age
  • Study of Income & Expenditure Patterns of Older Persons
  • Wisdom of Old Age
  • Changing Mindset of Older Persons towards Legal Justice
  • Depression in old age
  • Human Rights of Older Persons in India
  • Status & Human Rights of Older Women in India
  • Impact Assessment of Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing
  • Legal Provisions & Practices in India
  • Comprehensive Study on Status of Older Persons in Delhi & NCR
  • Sense of Security among Older Persons & their Human Rights (in collaboration with NHRC)
  • Perceptions about Older Persons
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